Esoteric Sessions
Combined Sessions

combined session
Astrology & Akashic Records
Two disciplines are integrated: : Astrology & Akashic Records (maximum of 3 questions).
Regarding Astrology, a deeper focus can be placed either on the Natal Chart or the Solar Return (based on the client's preference).
Duration: 90-120 minutes.
Value ARS: $ 90.000
EU/US value: US $ 90 / € 90
combined session
Astrology & Tarot
Two disciplines are integrated: : Astrology & Cartomancy. It consists of a brief return of the Natal Chart followed by a reading of Tarot, Cartomancy & Lenormand.
Regarding Astrology, a deeper focus can be placed either on the Natal Chart or the Solar Return (based on the client's preference).
Duration: 90-120 minutes.
Value ARS: $ 90.000
EU/US value: US $ 90 / € 90
combined session
Tarot & Akashic Records
Two disciplines are integrated: : Tarot & Akashic Records (maximum of 3 questions).
It's a reading of Tarot, Cartomancy & Lenormand, followed by a brief reading of the Akashic Records.
Duration: 90-120 minutes.
Value ARS: $ 90.000
EU/US value: US $ 90 / € 90
Combined session
Tarot & Akashic Constellations
Two disciplines are integrated: : Tarot & Akashic Constellations.
It's a reading of Tarot, Cartomancy & Lenormand, followed by an Akashic Constellation on a theme previously addressed in the spread.
Duration: 90-120 minutes.
Value ARS: $ 90.000
EU/US value: US $ 90 / € 90
combined session
Astrología & Constelaciones
1e combinan : Astrology & Akashic Constellations.
It consists of a reading of the querent's birth chart, followed by an Akashic Constellation on a theme approached from astrology.
Solar revolution reading can be included.
Duration: 90-120 minutes.
Value ARS: $ 95.000 (en el caso de incluir revolución solar se cobra una tarifa extra de $ 10.000)
EU/US value: US $ 90 / € 90 (+ revolución solar US$ 10 / € 10)
TRIKEL session
Astrología, Tarot & Registros o Constelaciones Akáshicas
Holistic session approached from 3 disciplines: Astrology, Cartomancy (together with Tarot) & Registrations o Constellations Akashic (according to what you want to work on).
It consists of a brief return of the Natal Chart, Tarot spreads and ends with a reading of the Akashic Records (maximum of 3 questions) or an Akashic Constellation on 1 topic previously addressed in the consultation.
Duration: 120-150 minutes.
Value ARS: $ 120.000
EU/US value: US $ 120 / € 120
At times, tarot reader, astrologer, constellator and akashic records reader.
I like to unveil new levels of meaning through symbolic languages with my clients during my sessions.